More than just Invisible

More than just Invisible

Friday 15 August 2014


The Distractions - Time goes by so slow
Not that kind of distraction, good though it is.

No, I was thinking more of the distractions that prevent me from writing, and in particular, writing the ever popular series, 'The universe wants to play with you' (TUWTPWY), currently at part 26.

I'd been working on part 27, almost finished it, then realised I didn't like the tone and style so I started rewriting it. (I've already got the next 6 parts worked out in my head) but then I got really distracted. Í started writing a political article for the blog which is an extended riff (I know but I couldn't think of anything better) on a few stray thoughts that popped into my head as well as this article by Loren Goldner which pulls together of ideas I've been mulling over for a long time.

Bizarrely, despite being ill for three weeks including a two night stay in an isolation room at Dunedin hospital with some kind of viral illness, I've got quite a lot of writing and reading done in that time. This is mainly because I was off work sick for two weeks and have had to cut down on a lot of things that I normally do.

Then another distraction appeared when I saw an advert at work last week for a short story competition with a closing date of the 16th August. I realised even if I rewrote something I'd already done into a 5000 word short story, I just couldn't manage it in the time. That gave me the idea of having a go at doing one and seeing if I could sell it to a magazine. So since Sunday, I've been using notes and ideas from the first chapter of my sword and sorcery series to begin writing this and I'm really enjoying this.

Yet another distraction is I'm doing a meeting on the 12th September in Dunedin on 'Why not voting is a good option for the 2014 NZ General Election.'

Hopefully, I'll get back to TUWTPWY this week. Anyway here's some more distractions below.

Sunn O))) - Bathory Erzsebet

The Dead C - Sonic protest

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