More than just Invisible

More than just Invisible

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Standing rooom only

Working towards his full human potential.
London 1750
Chimney Sweep: Get up the chimney and clean it.
Boy: No. It's dangerous and dirty.
Chimney Sweep: It will be good for you.
Boy: Bollocks.
Chimney Sweep: It will help you reach your human potential.
Boy: Go fuck yourself. I'm off to be a cutpurse.
The above is, of course, a genuine dialogue from 18th Century London.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

The universe wants to play with you (part 33)

My dearest Hawthorn, I offer you my humblest apologies for my disappearance for the last 15 months. Time has treated me badly and I often had no idea when I was. One of the reasons for not writing is I was travelling around the parts of Europe that were previously part of the Soviet Empire, looking for something or someone, I wasn't sure. Still not sure now.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

The universe wants to play with you (32)

Pointless action. Useless words. Voodoo death. Or something else.

Stood in the rain, waiting for Aaron and Merl. Pissed off by the briefing in the hotel; pissed off by having to talk to a supposed expert pathologist at tea who could only say, "Well, the head was definietely severed by something blunt; pissed off by the lack of organisation, a reason for being here and the need to have another meeting at 8am. Where's the Chinese woman?

Sunday, 1 February 2015

State of the Nation

One of the things I learned at a very early age was if you assume that all governments are composed of lying self serving hypocritical bastards, whose only purpose in life is to abase themselves at the throne of a capitalist class, dripping from head to toe with blood and semen, you will never be disappointed.