Look, it wasn't meant to happen like this. They were playing three-way chess in the car and it was only when they hear the woman on her cell that they realised they'd missed someone. They were just a bit, er, over enthusiastic.
Trying to drag someone into a car isn't overenthusiastic, it's stupid and dangerous. I thought you'd learned your lesson after last week's fiasco.
Come on, that was a genuine misunderstanding.
No, it was genuine stupidity. We don't gain out of this kind of stuff. Why do you spend all your time trying to please these people? They don't give a fuck about us or anyone else.
You just don't understand what a difficult situation we're in. We could be removed just like that. No-one would know. We have to cultivate protectors, we have to make ourselves indispensable, we have to run with the wolves.
It never works and it especially never works when you try to drag strangers into a car. It's insane. Do you really think Berquist and the rest of them thought the DSS idea was a good one? They went mad about it.
If they were that upset, we wouldn't have been called in to give advice.
For fuck's sake, that just shows how desperate they are. We don't have any more of a clue about what's happening than them. We just understand some aspects of reality better. And anyway, we don't actually know if it's true, do we?
You're always the same. Everything is a fucking conspiracy. You're just like your father. He couldn't see what my dad and uncles were trying to do. He said they were doing a deal in secret with Fraser for their own benefit.
They were but what has this got to do with anything we're talking about. I just don't trust any of these people and for good reason. What happened to the integration for a start.
There you go...
Roland? Can you hear me? Hello? I bet he's fucking hung up on me.
Straight to voicemail. Jesus, what a prick.
Hi Alice, It's Olwen. I was just talking to Roland and I got cut off and now his phone is going to voicemail. I've tried a couple of other people in Wellington but it's the same. Can you try someone there.
Yeah, ok. I'll ring my sister and get back to you.
Olwen, it's Alice. Same for me. I tried Roland as well as Mary. What do you think is going on? Do you think it's an earthquake?
No idea. It's strange though.
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