More than just Invisible

More than just Invisible

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

View from a darkened room

Am I a hobo?
View from new house

I'm just about to move house, the fifth time in the 4 years I've lived in New Zealand, so I got thinking about how many different places I've lived in over my 52 years.
I lived with my parents in Liverpool until I was almost 17, 1978, and then until October 1990, I lived in another 6 houses or flats before I spent the next 9 months travelling throughout Eastern Europe.

Monday, 6 October 2014

The universe wants to play with you (part 28)

Driving away from the bus stop with Corrado in the back, it struck me how odd this all was, not so much someone falling through space, seen that and done it but the fact it should have been him who turned up. Now that's weird synchronicity.

But it was the dwarves that was most weird - what was that about? How were they waiting there? And why dwarves? There's something we don't know and I don't like that.